Fireplace Safety for Winter

No doubt most of us will be spending more time than ever at home during the holidays and throughout this winter. And, if you’re lucky enough to have an indoor or outdoor fireplace, the experience can be quite enjoyable.

But remember, anything that involves combustion, gas or wood burning, should be approached with safety front of mind. Our European Copper chimney pots are U.L. approved for every brand and type of fireplace, setting the industry standard.

European Copper not only enhances the look of the exterior of your home, it allows you to enjoy your fireplace safely. People migrate to small fires and run from large ones.

When you and your family are gathered around the fireplace this winter, remember these tips. 

  • Have your chimney checked before building your first fire of the season. A European Copper chimney pot can keep animal nests and other debris out of your chimney.
  • If possible, keep a window cracked open while the fire is burning.
  • Make sure your damper or flue is open before starting a fire. Keeping the damper or flue open will keep smoke out of the house.
  • Clean out ashes from previous fires before building a new fire.
  • Install both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and test monthly. Also always keep a fire extinguisher on hand.

Previous years tell us there were close to 30,000 fire department calls due to chimney fires in America.  Make sure safety is your first priority every time you light a fire this winter.  A European Copper chimney cap is a good place to start.